
Your support kick-started this Service Member’s recovery from PTSD:

Your support kick-started this Service Member’s recovery from PTSD:

Mission Critical was proud to fund the airfare for a Technical Sergeant and his wife to attend a clinical therapy and research session for veterans with PTSD. Little did we know, this experience would change his life forever.

“The one-on-one therapy I received there was instrumental in changing my outlook on life and rediscovering the importance of family. It was a time of self-discovery, re-examination of priorities and most importantly, the act of letting go of a tremendously heavy burden that I’ve carrying for 10+ years. I still have a long way to go, but at last I’m climbing out of the hole, making upward progress instead of spiraling downward. And now I understand that I’m not broken, just bent. The isolation I once felt has been replaced by gratitude. It is difficult for veterans to ask for help; Mission Critical made that process easy and painless, going above and beyond to make sure that the entire airfare was covered.

To the donors that made the funding possible: Thank you for that incredible support system. Thank you for your generosity. And thank you for believing in the power of intervention.”

2 Responses

  1. Richard Logan says:

    I am 100% service connected veteran staying at montrose ny va. I am looking to buy a home in orange county ny but am having trouble finding one in my price range that the va home loan garrentee will approve. I also dont drive. I am trying to take care of my 80 year old mother and bring her home from out of state. Im not looking for any money. Only help finding a affordable home. Can you help or know someone who can?. My name is Richard Logan 516-972-7358. Thankyou. Rick

  2. Roban Graves says:

    Thank you. Please visit my GOFUNDME Account. I am THANKFUL, GRATEFUL, and APPRECIATE.

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